Problems with infitite warfare beta :

Call of duty infinite warfare will come on November the 4th 2016 on (PC-PS4-Xbox One),and Acitivition has already launched yesterday the beta of the game but only on Playstation 4 ,and mentioned that it(the beta) will be available for PC and Xbox one next week .

And with this lunch there was some problems in the game , like some server issues and how to contact other players (matchmaking) , Either the game would sit you by yourself in a lobby, never able to actually place you in a group , another problem comes out today an error message is showed when the player try to log in  the game reminding them of the dates and times of the beta (which runs from yesterday until Monday).
Infinity Ward (the developer of the game) didn't like that specially that they are trying to please the gamers ,cause there was a lot who hated the trailer of the game posted on Youtube a few months ago because of its futurism ,gamers is really starting to hate the thing about future in this game and the trailer is now the most hated video on youtube , letting Battlefield taking the first place in FPS war games and according to video game magazine the battlefield beta was played by 13 million person , although that it's just beta things is not going as planned for the game , and the developer must find a solution .
Also Activition confessed of those  problems and they are working to check the reasons of those issues and fix it as soon as possible but without any date or time limit ,many more games had the same problems on their beta version but it shouldn't be and should be fixed on this game because we're talking about Call Of Duty one of the most played and known game ever so Infinity Ward doesn't have the right for error , and it shouldn't be on the official game on its release date cause it could ruin the game .
This picture below shows an error message(error code 262144) that was showed today when the gamers tried to log in  :