Nearly one million units sold of the Steam Controller

Steam Controllers is available and was released to the public in November 2015 alongside the release of Steam Machines, it is used with personal computers running Steam on Microsoft WindowsOS XLinux or Steam OS it seems like their buzz came and went. You won’t find many championing it as a must-have device for PC gamers, but it has definitely found its niche.
Through Steam Dev Days event has Jeff Bellinghausen from Valve Corporation announced that the sales of the hands of Steam Controller may control nearly one million units sold, and that's not unexpected since they sold a half million unit by June 2016 and the company expects that the hand of their own control sales exceeding one million units as early as next year.

Bellinghausen also added that the company will establish a list at the store for months games that support the hands of the increasing popularity of the control, the hand of the Steam Controller Control is trying to combine the experience of a mouse and keyboard in dedicated game control hand and sold for $ 49.

He stated“One of the more direct methods is to present customers with a ‘most popular with Steam Controller’ games list. Titles on this list will be easily discoverable for both new purchasers as well as existing customers. We will also continue to run focused sales that highlight hand-picked controller-friendly titles,” .
and now the company expects to reach 1 million unit sold till the end of the year though it's not a big number since they are nearly did it .

Since Steam Controllers became available to the public in November 2015, it seems like their buzz came and went. You won’t find many championing it as a must-have device for PC gamers, but it has definitely found its niche.
At Steam Dev Days, Valve revealed during a presentation that the controller has sold nearly 1 million units. The company’s Jeff Bellinghausen said that it’s expecting to reach the 1 million mark by early next year, as reported by Gamasutra.
Bellinghausen added that Valve is looking into ways to help promote Steam Controller-friendly games on the store, noting that more than 27,000 players use the controller daily.
“One of the more direct methods is to present customers with a ‘most popular with Steam Controller’ games list. Titles on this list will be easily discoverable for both new purchasers as well as existing customers. We will also continue to run focused sales that highlight hand-picked controller-friendly titles,” he added.
The Steam Controller is available separately and in various game bundles.