Will the PS4 to break the barrier of 100 million?!

In this article I want to return to the question raised at the launch of PS4 3 years from now before Does PS4 device will be able to skip the 100 million sold a barrier around the world with the end of the current generation? Are you able to break the record set by the PS1 and PS2?
There are several factors that must be touching it before answering this question, which is whether the circumstances in which they are liable during the launch of the PS1 and PS2 and PS3 until the Is are currently available for your PS4?

PS1 and PS2 device ahead with new technology for the consumer in addition to the PS1 was the entrance to the players to the world of triple-dimensional Games

If we have here a number of questions must come up with an answer before they answer the big question, and to answer these questions, we should go back a little bit back in time and examine how successful PS1 in the market at times where ended his life selling more than 100 million units around the world, but this success had a factors that contributed to it and is a technology where he presented the machine idea discs CD for first-time users next to a three-dimensional games that were considered fad in the world of video games then on the other hand has no competitors offering games at the same level, which make the device work in absolute terms and the same thing back also new for your PS2, who also presented the idea of ​​the DVD for the first time and served as a media device that can play movies next Games and this was one of the main machine sales to pay significantly factors do not forget the transmission output gaming companies to support the device directly because of his success and also because of the supplied possibilities wonderful for the developer to provide games providing quality and cost of the development is less and that it contributed to larger to make the machine means the first entertainment around the world and gift Alchrismas featured in many of the countries in the world and in the infinity device sales surpassed 150 million units have been sold around the world to become the most successful Gaming since then and even now.

Despite the continuation of Sony to provide the means for users To Login new approach, but it failed this time largely mandated by huge losses .

Each horse stumble and this is what happened with Sony, where he was your PS3 grand tyranny Although she wanted to go on the same as the previous approach by introducing new technology to the user, and already there was a drive Blu-Ray technology revolutionary new and will give the developer large area for storing games and also provide Movies high definition technology, but there was a mistake occurred where Sony and is to rely on with his sons processor different scripts in the Cell processor, which was the strongest for other devices to competition, such as XBOX 360 and Game Cube, but unfortunately the developers have been unable to cope technically with it the device that making his popularity fall, and not also forget the high cost of the machine where the device cost $ 500 manufacturing and thus the cost of selling it were up lost $ 600 in some countries, all these factors contributed to the faltering progress device at the stage of his life virtual first, but in the end managed device from the sale 80 million units worldwide and liver Sony big losses.

I do not want to get into the issue of Profit and loss now and let's go back to the answer we were asked who we put forward at the beginning and now, with the arrival in the era of PS4 How are the conditions of success compared with the previous Family devices are there is a difference, and if yes to what extent may affect and Do this effect Balajab or negatively?

Asylum after Sony PS3 to the Western mind by choosing Mark Cerny PS4 engineer to supervise the construction of the new device catastrophe was the first step in the right direction

First PS4 device did not give us at the beginning of its launch a technological revolution great Vmahrk discs Kmaho Blu-Ray so that Sony abandoned its development to support the clarity of 4K in PS4 Slim and Pro either in terms of the power of the machine in a normal evolution, although he is not as we expected where it came from strength Moissh to force personal computer average power, these factors are offset by other positive factors such as cheap price of the device compared to the quality of games offered by both in terms of Alhbarat started or where Optimization device capabilities to exploit the better, too easy development on the device and that made the developers are working on the development of their games are dedicated to a great improvement and it received the Playstation network in terms of connection speed, and quality and that it contributed significantly to making the best choices for those who want to acquire your home games in the first period of its launch in the market.

Breakthrough device was successful and no one denies that and Sony plan to support the device Bhbarat have been distributed throughout the year in Smart also participates directly support sales in the global market, especially the studios Sony was able to exploit the capabilities of the machine cleverly, so give us in the end, addresses the quality of graphics competition computers with high capacity High End and we all managed to game Uncharted 4 experience and Drive Club and Ratchet and Clank these games stay high given the PS4 device so that Microsoft stood pause respect to developers the first party at Sony because they knew how to Astglu power of this beast.

Reliance on bringing Hbarat large as Uncharted 4 and others in addition to attracting independent developers considered one of the most successful steps to raise the popularity of the Sony device

The device in the first three years of his life in the markets managed to sell more than 45 million alone, and this is a big number, and bodes well but do you turnout rate during the coming period will be the same rate during the first years of the life of the machine, I do not think so Bal_khasoas with the presence of strong competitors in the market and the diversity of entertainment available to the consumer unlike the PS2 and PS1 hunters who were in the market without competitors Val PS4 will face a lot of competitors who offer alternative consumer choice in Microsoft entered its weight with XBOX device ONE though it less powerful than the PS4 device, but he was able to take part is not a little cake and also do not forget the high quality of the games offered by smart phones at the moment in turn became a consumer looking for simple things and the Food and practical smartphones give him these options on a plate and we are not surprised that Tguetdm these devices bulk of cake, and here comes the role of the PC device that once again returned to the competition in this particular generation, and became the games available for the next copying household appliances.

If all of these conditions will play a big role in repelling the PS4 device from moving forward in the same turnout witnessed in the first phase of the launch, and the rate there will be a significant decline and may be severe in the sales of the device in the coming period as Sony did not rectify this matter and act wisely to return the machine to track to break the barrier of 100 million, what do you do Sony, this is what will answer for it in the second part of the article, do not forget to join us your opinions in the comments about the march PS4 device does succeed in overcoming PS2 sales?!